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The North Branford Congregational Church, NACCC

1680 Foxon Road, PO Box 410, North Branford, CT 06471

The ministers of this parish are all of its members.

Assisting them in their ministries are:


Church Administrator ……………………………………….…Fran Giambalvo 

Pastor…………………………………………………….............Rev. Wendy Tarry 

Music Director ...........................................................................Kelliann Festa 



Moderator ………………………………………….…………...Joanne Palmieri 

Chair of Trustees ………………………………….…………..Jonathan Bodwell 

Chair of Deacons…………………………………………………  Arnie Palmieri
Chair of Outreach………………………………………………..DeeDee Bagley 

Treasurer ………………………………………….…………… ..Jennifer Ramsay Clerk…………………………………………………………….....Marcia Duenkel 

Assistant Clerk/ Recording Secretary…………………………….. .Nancy Allen 

Member at Large…………………………………………………….....Alice Lehr 

Pastor……………………………………………………...................Rev. Wendy Tarry 


Moderator………………………………………….………..........Joanne Palmieri
Chair of Trustees ………………………………….……………Jonathan Bodwell 

Chair of Deacons……………………………………………………Arnie Palmieri 

Chair of Christian Ed ………………………………….…………...Laurie Vincent 

Chair of Outreach.………………………………………………...DeeDee Bagley 



Church office hours are Wednesday—Friday, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM phone: 203.488.8456 e-mail:


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